Mon - Thu: 7:30 AM - 5:15 PM|Fri: 7:30 AM - 4:15 PM

Neighborhood Changes

Wow, if you've been in lately, you've seen some interesting changes coming to our little neighborhood! Two separate building projects are finally taking place on the large lot across the street, former home of the General Iron Works factory.

The first project, almost completed, is a small apartment complex, with two buildings. The second, which is in the "moving around dirt" phase, will contain single family homes, possibly mixed with multi-unit dwellings.

We hope that the new construction will bring even more life into this already unique neighborhood, without affecting our beloved wildlife too much.

The history of General Iron Works spans back to the 1920s, when five competing machining and iron companies merged into one business. The factory played an important role during World War II, producing machine tools, pumps, marine boiler & turret parts, and artillery shells, among other items. After the buildings were torn down in 2002, several temporary projects took over for short time periods, but the land has been empty for most of the last 15 years.